#8 Jack Johnson

Oh there are certainly some lesbians who like to macrame' and tap their sandals to his music. And I suppose there are some gay men who enjoy his company during a yoga cool-down. But he's all the rage for the straights. He's like the straight man's Dave Matthews...


Anonymous said...

jack johnson is the shiiiiiitttt. i think his music is more for the mellow calm type. and most lesbians love their drama so i guess i can see the correlation there. but i'm gay and i still love his music and i know many lesbians who do..buttt job well done anyways :) lol

Rob said...

Isn't Dave Matthews the straight man's Dave Matthews?

arlan said...

captian obvious: yes and no. if you weren't straight, you'd get it;-)

hi, by the way!

Anonymous said...

lesbian here. LOVE Jack. adore him. actually, am listening to his latest cd right now! And have tickets to see him on his Australian tour next month.

Anonymous said...

Lesbian here.. who the hell is he??

Anonymous said...

oh I just saw you said "tap their sandals" - I'm sorry, but the day I wear SANDALS will be a fine day in hell!!!!!! lmao.


Anonymous said...

hahaha, that's some funny shit.

Anonymous said...

Had Jack Johnson playing in the background the last time I had sex with a guy. Obviously, not on my playlist these days – either one.

Monica said...

straight girl here: if i had the choice of listening to jack or sticking knives into my ears until they bleed, i'd say...well, no, i guess that's hyperbole...but f*ck it, i'll say it: give me the knives.

love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Uh, I'm a trans bisexual man and I know two people (both gay) who have even heard of him. I love him so much. He's bae. I don't like this blog because it generalizes what straight people like, and it generalized what LGBT folks like.