#2 Bluetooth Technology

Seriously, when's the last time you saw a lesbian wearing one?


Anonymous said...

oh i totes saw dyke walking down the street with a bluetooth.

she also had that exact same hair cut.

Anonymous said...

lol i have a blue tooth headset..i love it..plus when you drive around here in west virginia, if you're driving you can't have the cell phone up to your ear or you'll get pulled over and get a ticket...fo sho man...

Nyssa said...

Seriously the urban dykes around here in Milwaukee cant live without their headsets. Their "boos" are always on the other end completely connected. You would be hard pressed to find one without it. I know i have one.

arlan said...

i stand corrected:-)

The Bionic Belly said...

The most yuppie dyke I know has not only Bluetooth, but Bluetooth sunglasses by Oakley with the headset attached to the glasses.

Anonymous said...

Well here in Reno I dont think I have ever seen a lesbian wear one haha. I think all the lesbians here make fun of the straight people who are attached by the ear to theirs.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Bette in The L Word have an ear piece kind of like this? lol In the episode where Bette and Tina had a meeting with the psychiatrist thing....or person lol. She walked in with an ear piece on.

Anonymous said...

Wow... this Brittany who commented above me sure knows her L Word. She puts me to shame (Shane). :(

Sarah said...

Bluetooth sunglasses by Oakley with the headset attached to the glasses

oh my god, those exist?? that's insane.

Anonymous said...

Bette has one on in the L word at some point does she not? Also i have one. lol. Youre so wrong on this one. but its ok cuz everyone still loves you anyway.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should quit yelling "OMG I LOVE TEH BOOBIEZ!" and realize that lesbians can actually be professional.

Sarah said...

maybe you should stop posting anonymously on a blog that you don't like just to be a jerk.


Anonymous said...

i use mine at work too..im a telemarketer so i have to have a head set on, and then after 9pm we process orders for verizon wireless...and i end up just putting my headset on my ear and talking to my girl on it every night..hell it beats getting in trouble for talking on my cellphone on the call floor and the supervisors dont even notice lol

Anonymous said...

I want a pair of those glasses. lol!

Anonymous said...

my exgirlfriend got herself one it's funny though!

Anonymous said...

never, actually.

Anonymous said...

this straight girl likes david beckham more than bluetooth technology...

so there.

Anonymous said...

lol the black lesbians downn here swear by the bluetooth; the white ones (or basically anything other than black) barely have cell phones.

Ginger Cat said...

Whenever I see a bluetooth, I'm tempted to rip it off and stomp on it!!

Anonymous said...

Haha, my wifey tries to wear one, but neither of us know how to use it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a lesbian and use a bluetooth headset and so does my gf.. lol

In our state it's against the law to drive and talk on your cell phone now... So basically everyone use these here. I live in Seattle (tons of lesbians here)

Anonymous said...

too funny I was totally gonna comment that the last time I saw a lesbian with a bluetooth was Bette but I got beat to it. They certainly don't wear them around here. (AZ)